
I haven't blogged in a while.

Spring classes have started. I'm only taking two and they're pretty good. One's right up my alley: Issues in Current Anthropology: Material Culture, and the other a Leadership and Management class that's an elective option for the Peace Building Certificate. More of a business class, it's stretching me out of my comfort zone and helping me grow. Which, is good.

When I'm not in class I study, work on etsy projects, do projects for work, explore, do yoga (downloaded some great yoga podcasts that keep me goin), plan for our summer adventure. We will be interning at the Initiatives of Change Conference in Switzerland! I can't wait to be in Europe.

Some interesting interests as of late:

1 comment:

  1. Oh hello friend! So basically, you're going to Switzerland! And Europa! And you're going with your bestie friend and lover boy. How great is that? Pretty excellent.
