A lot has happened in our lives since my last post in December (yes it's been 7 months exactly since I updated this thing)! Good and bad, challenges and blessings alike. So, just to recap... a noteworthy event from each month-
January- I was able to go to the Middle East with my work, through the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding. We helped out with trainings for a non-profit out there that my boss is affiliated with called PeacePlayers International. It really was an eye opening experience for me to actually be in a conflict area after studying conflict so long. I want to go back more than anything, I feel a draw to the people over there and want to know more about their culture and beliefs. Of course I can do that from home too, reading books and papers. Alas, nothing compares to it in the flesh.

February- I cut my hair! 13 inches! I've had long hair ever since being in Hawaii, so this was a big deal. I'm diggin the short look for now, so we'll see how I end up keeping it.

March- Kinfolk Magazine project initiated. Many of you know that Nate likes to always be involved in some sort of creative endeavor. In March, Nate got a group of friends together and began planning for what is now an online magazine (launching tomorrow) and also in print! This collaborative project has kept Nate busy all summer and has really brought a great group of people together. We are so grateful for all the support and encouragement that has been given in behalf Kinfolk.

April- GRADUATION! Nate and I graduated from Brigham Young University Hawaii. A bittersweet moment, for sure. Hawaii is very special to us. It's where we met, fell in love, had our first home. Knowing that we'd have to leave is just part of the deal going over there in the first place, but it really does sneak up on ya! It was great to have some family out there to celebrate with us. We made amazing friends in Hawaii that we will never forget and will always stay in touch with. I wouldn't trade my four years of life in Hawaii for anything.

May- Job offer. We had our life planned out for us... Nate would start a grad program in England in the fall, we'd be doing another internship at Caux, Switzerland with Initiatives of Change like we did last year prior to school. And wouldn't you know it, when you think you've got things figured out a curve ball is thrown full force. Nate was offered a job in Salt Lake City with a well known firm. After much consideration we decided to take the job and work for a year or two prior to grad school- you know, get the work experience in. We were up in Canada when the news came- 6 months after the interview! So, the following week... we did it, we hopped in the car and moved to Salt Lake! And it's really growing on us.
June- Paul, my brother, got married to the sweetest girl alive. Their wedding was in Oregon, on a beautiful June afternoon. Paul and Kelly are a perfect match and I just adore them! I've noticed that Kelly is very concerned with other peoples' welfare and takes special notice of others. She seems to be fully aware and present, a very genuine person. I am so pleased to have such a wonderful new sister and can't wait to someday hopefully live closer to be able to spend more time with them.

July- TWO year anniversary. Last weekend was our two year mark. It has gone by fast, but all I can say is that it seems like I've known Nate my whole life- and maybe even before. I am one lucky girl, and I couldn't be happier. Marriage takes a lot of work and adjustments, but boy is it worth it. I also just heard that I got a job as well... I've been looking since early June and we've been crossing our fingers for work to come... I start Monday! Development Specialist for a non-profit called the Work Activity Center.

Next post... coming December 2011! (We'll see)